Thursday, October 31, 2013

October 31st

Dear Diary,
Why do we like boxing people into boxes of what we think they should be like, without any consideration to who they already are? We just look at people and assume they have to be or act a certain way, without even considering that people were made differently.

Why can't we just try to understand and accept people for who they are? The fact that you don't understand someone’s way of life doesn't mean that their way of life is wrong. It’s just like cultures, the fact that you as an Ibo man doesn't understand why a Yoruba boy has to lie flat on the floor to greet his elders doesn't mean its wrong. Or  the fact that you a Yoruba man can't understand why an Ibo boy wouldn't lie flat on the floor to greet his elders doesn't make it wrong either.

We need to cut each other some slack; we cannot all be the same. Imagine how boring and annoying this world would be if every single person on earth had the same character traits. Imagine if every single person on earth were loud and boisterous, we would end up getting on each other’s nerves everyday. Or imagine if everyone were to be on the quiet side, we would all end up like zombies. Variety is said to be the spice of life, if we were all alike, this life would be so boring.

Why can't we just accept people for who they are instead of trying to change them? Life is too short to be anything but happy, so why would you want to see another person unhappy. Yes, you want to see others unhappy, when you fit them into a box that they don't fit into. That’s what you are doing when you want them to pretend to be someone other than himself or herself.

Life wouldn’t be any fun if we were all alike.

Love always,


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